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Note card taped to page. Text: March 1987. Fly fisherman in Cherokee National Forest has sighting of a tall shaggy haired creature.
Note card taped to page. Text: August 2000. Gold panners in Cherokee National Forest encounter large ape-like animal with dark fur and yellow eyes.
Note card taped to page. Text: May 2010. Motorist sees unidentified creature with brown fur walking on two legs cross railroad tracks new Vonore.

Our quiet corner of the country is no stranger to stories of the unexplainable. Locals and tourists have reported sightings of something living in the forests that most would call a myth.

Remember: These woods are Bigfoot's home.

Sample of Bigfoot furt

Just recently, a local hunter, who wished to remain anonymous, found some unrecognizable fur stuck to a tree. She took the fur and had it sent to Dr. Walter Langkowski at the University of Tennessee's Biological Sciences department. The sample was studied and did not match any known species. It was later sent to Dr. Theodore Sallis for more research. We are still waiting on the results.

A tourist named W.A. Stokins from Fuldigen, HA sent us his story. He was walking along Tellico Resevoir in Vonore when he came across some large footprints, some of which were leading to the shore but were washed away. He submitted this photo of one of the footprints. Could this be evidence that Sasquatch goes fishing in the lake or does he just grab fish straight out of the lake? The truth is out there.

Photo of large unidentified footprint

It doesn't matter if you believe in Bigfoot or not. What matters is that when you visit a forest, remember that you are stepping into someone else's home, so be respectful by giving all the animals their space. The old advice is still true: leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photos, kill nothing but time.

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Tennessee Sounds Perfect Logo
Logo saying "9 Lakes of East Tennessee" with circular graphic of a lake, shore, and distant sunrise over mountains.
Logo of the United States Forest Service.
Logo of National Geographic.
Logo of Tennessee State Parks.
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